2020/2021 School Year
15th Oct 2020
Well done to Miss Nugent's P7 Class for winning the third day of...
14th Oct 2020
Congratulations, you worked really hard this week. You are a
14th Oct 2020
Well done to Oisin, Dylan, Leah and Harry for working really hard in school!...
13th Oct 2020
Well deserved Cian, you take extra care with your work and it's neat and tidy.
13th Oct 2020
Good work Pollyanna you were being kind to others.
13th Oct 2020
Well done Kyna! You are good at listening and very helpful in class.
13th Oct 2020
Congratulations, you worked really hard this week. You are a
13th Oct 2020
Congratulations, you worked so hard this week! You are a