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St. Malachy's PS and Nursery, Camlough, Newry

Sports Day 🏃‍♂️⚽️ 🏃‍♀️

6th Jun 2024

This year Sports Day was held in Carrickcruppen GAC.  The weather was dry and we were delighted to see the sun coming out for our afternoon events.  The children displayed great determination while remembering the importance of team spirit, as they cheered each other on at the nine different events.  There was something for everyone! 

The staff enjoyed coffee and traybakes while the children cooled down with a much deserved ice cream at break time.

We also had an endless supply of water and fruit for the children throughout the day. These healthy snacks were sponsored by our local Food Hall, Hughes - thank you very much!

Thank you to Carrickcruppen for helping us on the day and for the use of their grounds.